*このレッスンは パッケージです。
This lesson is a package.
にほんごを はじめて べんきょうするための クラスです。
ひらがな、カタカナ、かんたんな かんじ、よくつかう フレーズを べんきょうします。
This lesson is the (CEFR) A1 class which is for those who learn Japanese for the first time and want to start with basics such as Hiragana, Katakana, easy Kanji, and daily phrases.
・かんたんな 自己紹介ができる
You can give a simple (or further) self-introduction.
・みじかいフレーズを つかって コミュニケーションをとることができる
You can communicate by using short (& easy) phrases.
*All my lessons are in Japanese.
>> Textbook: Irodori Starter(いろどり入門)/ Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 1-15(みんなの日本語Ⅰ)
*** Cancellation Policy ***
No shows and appointments canceled within 24 hours of the scheduled time
└ 100% cancellation fee (No refund or no rescheduling for another date)
Showing up later than half of the lesson time, the lesson will be canceled
└ 100% cancellation fee (No refund or no rescheduling for another date)
24 hours or more in advance
└ 0% (Refund or rescheduling available)