おすすめの Google 拡張機能です!新しい言葉を勉強しましょう!
Here are the recommended Chrome extensions! Let’s learn new words here!
私は、1週間 夏休みをとっていましたが、皆さんも長い休みはありましたか?
私は、この夏休みの間に 夫と一緒に富士山に登ってきました!🗻
【えいご】English Translation
💁♀️ “Konnichiwa!”
August is already over and now it is September.
I took a holiday for a week, but did you have a long holiday as well?
Please let me know where you went♪
During this summer holiday, I climbed Mt. Fuji with my husband!🗻
This is one of the things on “my bucket list (a list of what I want to do before I die)”.
Today, I’ll be writing my schedule and impressions about Mt. Fuji.
新しいことば|New Vocabulary Words
ことば|Words | 読みかた|How to read | 意味|Meaning |
死ぬまでにやりたいことリスト | しぬまでにやりたいことりすと | bucket list (Lit: List of what you want to do before you die) |
登山 | とざん | Climbing |
真ん中 | まんなか | middle |
山頂 | さんちょう | summit, the peak of the mountain |
弾丸登山 | だんがんとざん | bullet climbing, climbing without preparation |
危険(な) | きけん(な) | dangerous |
標高 | ひょうこう | altitude |
山小屋 | やまごや | mountain hut |
高山病 | こうざんびょう | altitude sickness |
原因 | げんいん | cause |
仮眠 | かみん | nap |
〜号目 | 〜ごうめ | ~th station (of a mountain) |
着替え | きがえ | extra clothes |
義務 | ぎむ | mandatory, duty |
寄付 | きふ | donation |
休憩 | きゅうけい | rest, break time |
保護する | ほごする | to protect |
夜景 | やけい | night view, night scenery |
売店 | ばいてん | shop, kiosk |
限定 | げんてい | limited offer |
富士山ってどんな山?|What is Mt. Fuji like?
【えいご】English Translation
I suppose you know what Fujisan is if you have ever traveled in Japan or if you like Japan.
🙎♂️ “Fujisan is a Japanese beautiful mountain, right?”
🙆♀️ “That’s right! It is beautiful, and the highest mountain in Japan.”
What it has upon is “snow.” The highest place is cold and gets snow a lot.
どのくらい高い?|How Tall is it?
富士山は、日本で一番高い山で 3776mです。一番高いところは、剣ヶ峰というところです。
【えいご】English Translation
Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and it is 3,776m. Its peak is called Kengamine.
Kengamine has a monument that is a stone pillar, and climbers take pictures there.
富士山はどこにある?|Where is Mt. Fuji located?
日本できれいな富士山を見たい人は、静岡か山梨に行くと よりきれいに見えますね。
【えいご】English Translation
Mt. Fuji is right between Shizuoka Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture.
If you want to see the beautiful Mt. Fuji in Japan, you’ll see it better either in Shizuoka or Yamanashi.
富士山はいつでも登れる?|Is Mt. Fuji Available to Climb Anytime?
【えいご】English Translation
No, it is not always possible to climb Mt. Fuji.
Snow is piled up on the summit in the picture you saw above.
While snow is still on the summit, you cannot climb Mt. Fuji.
You can climb it from the beginning of July to the beginning of September.
The available season is different depending on the trails, so look it up for the dates.
富士山に登る準備|Preperation Before Climbing Mt. Fuji
Tシャツやジーンズで富士山に登ったり、スケジュールを立てずに登山をするのは とても危険です。
【えいご】English Translation
Before climbing Mt. Fuji, it is essential to be prepared.
Even the official site says “STOP! Bullet Climbing!”
It is very dangerous to climb in a T-shirt and jeans or without planning.
Let’s climb Mt. Fuji with the full preparation.
登山ルートを決める|Decide Which Trail You’re Climbing
【えいご】English Translation
There are 4 climbing trails for Mt. Fuji.
Yoshida Trail (Yellow): Popular for beginners.
Subashiri Trail (Red): There are many trees so you’ll be able to walk in the shade. But it’ll be dark and hard to walk at night.
Gotemba Trail (Green): The path is on a gentle incline but it is slippery when climbing down.
Fujinomiya Trail (Blue): The starting elevation is already pretty high so the distance to the summit is the shortest.
Each trail has its color in order not to get lost.
So you can check if you’re going the right way.
🗣️ “We climbed the Fujinomiya trail!”
山小屋の予約|Reservation for a Mountain Hut
五号目から山頂まで、いろんなところに山小屋がありますが おすすめは八号目の山小屋です。
【えいご】English Translation
You would get an altitude sickness, or get injured if you tried to go to the summit all at once.
Therefore, let’s go to the summit after taking a nap/break at a mountain hut.
After choosing your trail, it’s good to look up what kind of mountain hut they have for the trail.
The reservation usually starts in April.
Check the official site and make a reservation!
There are many mountain huts between the 5th station and the summit, but what I recommend is the one at the 8th station.
I also booked the one at the 8th station, took a nap there, and made it to the summit.
登山ウェアのレンタル|Rent Hiking Wear, Shoes, etc.
【えいご】English Translation
You might have climbing shoes or climbing wear if you have climbed or hiked before.
However, if you come to Japan only for travel, or do not have any climbing wear, you can rent them.
Also, you’ll sweat a lot, so don’t forget to bring other clothes to change.
富士山に登る日|The Day We Climb Mt. Fuji
そして、富士山に登る日の朝に 静岡の富士宮ルート(私たちが選んだルート)に向かいました。
【えいご】English Translation
Until the day before climbing Mt. Fuji, we were traveling in Yamanashi prefecture.
In the morning of the day we climb Mt. Fuji, we headed to the Fujinomiya trail (which we chose) in Shizuoka.
富士登山のスケジュール|Schedule of Climbing Mt. Fuji
時間|Time | 標高|Altitude | 場所|Place | メモ|Memo |
11:30 | 1,450m | 🚗 水ヶ塚駐車場 | 車で来たので、ここに車を停めました |
11:45 | 🚗 水ヶ塚駐車場:受付 | 富士山に登る前に、事前登録をします(オンラインでもできます) | |
12:00 | 🚌 駐車場▶︎五号目 | 登山は五号目からスタートですが、車で行けないのでシャトルバスでいきます | |
12:35 | 2,300m | 🗻 五号目:バス停 | ここでトイレをして、20分ぐらい休憩をしました |
13:00 | 2,400m | 🗻 五号目 | 富士登山スタート!登り始めます |
13:50 | 2,450m | 🗻 六号目 | |
15:00 | 2,780m | 🗻 新七号目 | 登山スタートから2時間 |
16:15 | 3,030m | 🗻 元祖七号目 | |
17:40 | 3,350m | 🛌 八号目:山小屋 | やっと山小屋につきました!ここでご飯を食べて休みます |
17:55 | 🍛 八号目:山小屋 | 山小屋に到着した順番にご飯を食べます | |
20:00~ | 🛌 八号目:山小屋 | 疲れたので早く寝ます | |
1:00 | 🛌 八号目:山小屋 | 朝日を見るために、午前1時に起きます | |
1:30 | 🗻 八号目 | 山頂に向けて出発!少し寒いです | |
2:35 | 3,570m | 🗻 九号目 | 1時間で九号目に到着!でも、ここからが長いです… |
3:40 | 3,590m | 🗻 九号五勺 | あともう少し…! |
4:55 | 3,712m | 🗻 富士山頂 (⛩️浅間大社奥宮) | やっと着きました!少し遅かったですが、朝日を見ることができました🌅 |
7:00 | 3,712m | 🗻 富士山頂 (⛩️浅間大社奥宮) | 下山します! |
13:10 | 2,300m | 🗻 五号目:バス停 | やっとバス停に着きました! |
14:00 | 🚌 五号目▶︎駐車場 | 私も、他のみんなもクタクタです… | |
14:40 | 1,450m | 🚗 駐車場 | 駐車場に着きました!これから家に帰ります…!🏠 |
【えいご】English Translation
Time | Altitude | Place | Memo |
11:30 | 1,450m | 🚗 Mizugazuka Parking Lot | Got here by car and parked at this place |
11:45 | 🚗 Mizugazuka Parking Lot | Reception | Register before climbing Mt. Fuji (Available online) | |
12:00 | 🚌 Parking▶︎5th Station | Can climb from 5th station but have to take a bus | |
12:35 | 2,300m | 🗻 5th Sta.:Bus Stop | Went to a restroom and took a 20 mins break |
13:00 | 2,400m | 🗻 5th Sta. | Started climbing! |
13:50 | 2,450m | 🗻 6th Sta. | |
15:00 | 2,780m | 🗻 New 7th Sta. | 2 hours since started climbing |
16:15 | 3,030m | 🗻 Old 7th Sta. | |
17:40 | 3,350m | 🛌 8th Sta.:Mt. Hut | Finally arrived at the Mt. hut! Had dinner and a break here |
17:55 | 🍛 8th Sta.:Mt. Hut | Had dinner (curry and rice) in the order of arrival | |
20:00~ | 🛌 8th Sta.:Mt. Hut | Got exhausted so went to bed earlier | |
1:00 | 🛌 8th Sta.:Mt. Hut | Got up at 1 to see the sunrise | |
1:30 | 🗻 8th Sta. | Started climbing again to the summit! It was a little chilly | |
2:35 | 3,570m | 🗻 9th Sta. | Arrived at 9th Sta. in an hour! But much longer to go… |
3:40 | 3,590m | 🗻 9.5th Sta. | Almost there…! |
4:55 | 3,712m | 🗻 Summit (⛩️Sengen-Taisha) | Finally made it! We were a little late but got to see the sunrise!🌅 |
7:00 | 3,712m | 🗻 Summit (⛩️Sengen-Taisha) | Heading back to the foot of Mt. Fuji |
13:10 | 2,300m | 🗻 5th Sta.:Bus Stop | Arrived at the bus stop |
14:00 | 🚌 5th Sta.▶︎Parking | Everyone looked exhausted… | |
14:40 | 1,450m | 🚗 Parking lot | Arrived at the parking lot and headed to our home🏠 |
Let’s look at this schedule in details with pictures!
駐車場で受付|Check-in at a Parking Lot
【えいご】English Translation
For climbing Mt. Fuji, you’ll have to submit the climbing itinerary report and do pre-registration.
I submitted the report on the app and registered online.
We’ve got wristbands after telling them that we already registered.
【えいご】English Translation
After getting wristbands, we donate some money to the “Fujisan Conservation Fund-raising Campaign.” We pay 1,000 yen for each so 2,000 yen in total.
This is not mandatory but I recommend you to pay it for the beautiful Mt. Fuji and climbers.
We got wooden keychains after the donation.
シャトルバスに乗る|Take a Shuttle Bus
水ヶ塚駐車場から五号目までは、大人1人 片道1,320円でした。
【えいご】English Translation
When you finish checking in at the reception, buy a ticket for the bus and ride on it.
The price was 1,320 yen for one adult, one way from the Mizugazuka Parking lot to the 5th station.
Other buses are departing from stations, so please check it out.
五号目に到着!|Arrived at 5th Station
【えいご】English Translation
After arriving at the 5th station, we didn’t start climbing right after but took a short break.
Mt. Fuji is a very high mountain with less oxygen.
Your body would be surprised if you started exercising suddenly, so we had a break going to a restroom and having lunch.
13:00 富士登山スタート|Start Climbing Mt. Fuji!
【えいご】English Translation
The 5th station of Mt. Fuji is 2,400m.
It is already pretty high. The weather was a little cloudy.
There were more foreign people than Japanese people. I can tell that Mt. Fuji is very popular.
【えいご】English Translation
It was cloudy but we got to see clouds underneath after climbing a little higher.
It was very beautiful and they didn’t look real!
There are some plants because it is summer now. Some plants are rare to see and you can only see them on the high mountains.
However, Mt. Fuji is the area Japan protects, so you cannot bring any plants back with you.
14:50 新七号目で少し休憩|Break Time at New 7th Station
【えいご】English Translation
After walking for 2 hours, we came to the New 7th station (2,780m).
But it is a long way to go to the mountain hut at the 8th station.
17:30 八号目の山小屋で休憩|Break Time at the Mt. Hut on 8th Station
【えいご】English Translation
I got very exhausted, but arrived at the mountain hut at the 8th station.
Where we stay is the mountain hut called “Ikeda-kan.”
There is a health canter next to it, so you can see a doctor when feeling sick.
スタッフの人が、到着した順番で呼んでくれるので、呼ばれたあとに となりの部屋に行って食べました。
私は、枕がないと眠れないので 小さい枕を持っていけばよかったです…。(T ^ T)
【えいご】English Translation
Our dinner was curry and rice!
A staff member calls people in the order of arrival, so we went to the room next door when they called us.
There are other people, so it’ll be good to say “Otsukaresama desu (You must be tired but good job!).”
After having dinner, they turn the lights off at 8, so we took a nap in the sleeping bag after around 7.
💡 If you mind about the sound and the brightness, it is good to prepare “ear plugs” and an “eye mask.”
I usually cannot go to sleep without a pillow, so I should have brought a small pillow…
1:30 仮眠をとって再出発|Restart Climbing After Taking a Nap
【えいご】English Translation
We wanted to see the sunrise at the summit, so woke up at 1 and departed at 1:30.
The night view we saw at the 8th station was very beautiful!
2:00 柱にお金がたくさん…?|Much Money on the Pole?
【えいご】English Translation
After climbing a little higher from the 8th station, you will see a pole with so many coins (money) stuck.
I don’t know what this is, but there is a rumor that this was a shrine gate a long time ago.
2:30 九号目!でもまだまだ…|Got to 9th Station But Much Longer to Go…
【えいご】English Translation
We arrived at the 9th station. The weather was good and we got to see the night sky. So took a picture of stars!
I took it pretty well than I expected.
3:30 九号五勺…もう少し!|9.5th Station and Almost There!
【えいご】English Translation
We came to the 9.5th station at 3:30. We are at a higher place so just walking makes us tired.
But, almost there!
【えいご】English Translation
The sky is getting brighter a little bit.
This view is beautiful, but I want to see the sunrise at the summit!
4:40 やっと富士山頂に到着!|Made it to the Summit of Mt. Fuji!
【えいご】English Translation
The summit is there!
Right before the summit, there is a Torii (shrine gate.)
And there are already a lot of people at the summit.
とても大変でしたけど、夫がたくさんサポートしてくれたので 富士山を登ることができました。
【えいご】English Translation
We just barely got to see the sunrise at the summit!
It was very tough for me but my husband supported me a lot so I made it.
Thank you, love!
富士山で行ってほしいところ|Places to Go on Mt. Fuji
【えいご】English Translation
I just said “We arrived at the summit” but the actual summit of Mt. Fuji is the place called “Kengamine.”
We were too tired to go there, but if you are thinking of climbing Mt. Fuji, please go to the actual summit!
富士山本宮浅間大社|Fuji-san Hongu Sengen-Taisha
【えいご】English Translation
It is a shrine at the highest place in Japan.
When you arrive at the summit at 5, the shops are not open so please go to this shrine.
You can pray, get some Omamori (Amulets), and get a stamp pressed on your stick.
富士山頂郵便局|Mt. Fuji Summit Post Office
【えいご】English Translation
Right next to the Sengen-Taisha, there is the Mt. Fuji Summit Post Office. This is also the post office at the highest.
They are open from 6 in the morning to 2 afternoon.
They sell limited postcards and various items there. We bought some postcards and wrote some messages for our family.
Sending it from their mailbox of Mt. Fuji will give you a special stamp so it is recommended!
これから下山します!|Heading Back to the Foot of Mt. Fuji
7:00 下山|Climbing Down
【えいご】English Translation
We had breakfast, sent cards (to our family), and started climbing down at 7.
The sun had already risen and it got bright.
Mt. Fuji was harder to climb down than climbing up.
13:10 富士登山 終了|Climbing Mt. Fuji, CHECKED!
たくさん休みながら、6時間かけて 富士山を下りました!
【えいご】English Translation
I took a lot of break time and 6 hours to climb down Mt. Fuji.
It was very exhausting but definitely a good experience.
まとめ|Wrap Up
【えいご】English Translation
I got to complete one of the things on my bucket list!
It was my first time climbing Mt. Fuji and I don’t really like exercising, so I was a little worried about it, but I am glad I did it.
But it was really tough so I probably will not climb again. haha
Please let me know in the comment if you’ve climbed Mt. Fuji or if anyone wants to climb!