おすすめの Google 拡張機能です!新しい言葉を勉強しましょう!
Here are the recommended Chrome extensions! Let’s learn new words here!
今日は、その節分について 一緒に学んでいきましょう。
【えいご】English Translation
The new year has just come but it is already February now.
We also have a Japanese-specific event this month.
Have any of you heard about an event called Setsubun?
Today, we will learn about it together.
新しい ことば|New Vocabulary Words
ことば|Words | 読みかた|How to read | 意味|Meaning |
行事 | ぎょうじ | event |
立春 | りっしゅん | a day Spring starts |
鬼払い | おにばらい | exorcism |
追い払う | おいはらう | to drive away |
豆 | まめ | bean |
(豆を)まく | (まめを)まく | to throw, to sprinkle |
生命力 | せいめいりょく | a life force |
正しい | ただしい | correct |
典型的 | てんけいてき | typical |
炒る | いる | to roast |
神棚 | かみだな | a Shinto household alter |
お供え(する) | おそなえ(する) | to make an offering |
迷惑(な) | めいわく(な) | annoying, troublesome |
無駄にする | むだにする | to waste |
厄除け | やくよけ | warding off bad luck |
掛け声 | かけごえ | a chant, a shout |
特に | とくに | especially |
縁 | えん | fate, bond |
向く | むく | to face towards |
丸ごと | まるごと | the whole amount |
方角 | ほうがく | direction |
実際 | じっさい | actual |
節分って なに?|What is Setsubun?
【えいご】English Translation
Setsubun is an event in February. The date changes every year, but it is February 3rd for 2024.
First of all, let’s check the Kanji of the word.
“Setsu” is as in “Kisetsu: Season”, and “Bun” is as in “Wakeru: to divide.”
Therefore, Setsubun means “A day when the season changes.”
There is a day called “Risshun” which means “A day when Spring comes.”
So the day before is Setsubun.
When the season changes, people used to believe that Demons appear.
This is why we started to do “exorcisms” on Setsubun.
And Setsubun has started to have a great year by driving away bad things such as sickness and disaster.
💡 It is called “Mubyou Sokusai” for having no bad things such as sickness and disaster.
節分の文化|Culture of Setsubun
豆まき|Mamemaki the Bean-Throwing
そのため、鬼を追い払うために 豆をまくようになりました。
【えいご】English Translation
People used to believe that demons appeared on Setsubun when the season changed.
So Mamemaki: Bean-Throwing has started to drive these demons away by throwing beans at them.
<Student: Why beans?>
<Emi Sensei: That is a good question!>
In Japan, beans have ”a life force” and power to “drive away bad things.”
Thus, people have started throwing beans at demons.
正しい豆まきの方法|The Correct Way for the Bean-Throwing
- 節分の前日に、豆を炒って、神棚にお供えします。この豆を「福豆」と言います。
神棚が場合は、白い紙の上に福豆をのせて、高いところに置いてもいいです。- 豆を炒る=魔目(鬼の目)を射る という意味があります。
- 節分の日の夜、家族みんなで豆まきをします。本当は、鬼は真夜中の2時〜5時に来ますから、夜がいいです。ですが、夜は迷惑になりますから、夕方にします。
- 家の中から外に向かって、「鬼は外」と言いながら豆をまく
- 家の外から内側に向かって、「福は内」と言いながら豆をまく
- 豆まきが終わったら、投げた豆は片付けます。
豆を無駄にしないように、殻付きの豆(落花生など)を投げたり、豆の代わりに小さく丸めた紙を投げる人もいます。 - 豆まきのあとは、1年の厄除けを願って、自分の年+1の豆を食べます。これを「年取り豆」と言います。
【えいご】English Translation
There is a correct way for Mamemaki: the Bean-Throwing. It changes depending on the region, but let’s check the typical rules.
- On a day before Setsubun, roast beans and make it an offering to Kamidana: A Shinto household altar. And this roasted beans is called “Fukumame.” If you do not have Kamidana, you can put them on a white paper at a higher place.
- Mame o Iru (to roast beans) would mean Ma-me(eyes of demons) o Iru(to shoot.)
- At the night of Setsubun, we do Mamemaki together with the whole family. Originally, demons would come at the middle of the night around 2 am-5am, so it was good to do it at night. But it will be annoying to other people, so we just do it around evening.
- Throw beans saying “Oni wa soto: Demons out” from inside the house to outside
- Throw beans saying “Fuku wa uchi: Fortunes in” from outside of the house to inside
- Clean up all the beans you threw.
Some people throw beans with shell (like earth nut) or paper balls instead of bare nuts. - After finishing Mamemaki, we eat nuts for numbers of your age+1. And we call it “Toshitori-mame: beans for one’s age.”
豆まきの掛け声|A Shout for the Bean-Throwing
【えいご】English Translation
The typical shout for Bean-Throwing is “Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi.”
Depending on different regions, there would be different shouts.
If you have any favorite region in Japan, look it up for their shout!
地域|Region | 掛け声|A Shout | 意味|Meaning |
全国的 *Nationwide | 鬼は外、福は内 | Demons Out, Fortunes In! |
宮城県 仙台市 | 福は内 福は内、鬼は外 鬼は外、天打ち地打ち四方打ち、鬼の目ん玉ぶっつぶせ | Fortunes In x2, Demons Out x2, Shoot it to the sky, Beat it to the ground, Hit it all over, and blind the demon’s eyes. |
群馬県 藤岡市鬼石 | 福は内、鬼は内 | Fortunes In, Demons In. |
京都府 福知山市 | 鬼は内、福は外 | Demons In, Fortunes Out. |
【えいご】English Translation
In Fujioka City, Gunma, they believe that there are not only bad demons but also good ones. So they say “Demons In.”
And in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto, they welcome demons (“Demons In”) and they let them go after becoming good ones. (“Fortunes Out”)
豆まきの歌|Songs for Bean-Throwing
【えいご】English Translation
We even have a song for Mamemaki:Bean-Throwing!
Especially, a song called “Oni no Pantsu: Demon’s underware” is a very famous kid’s song.
Let’s listen to it.
節分の食べ物|Food for Setsubun
【えいご】English Translation
There are some famous food we eat for Setsubun.
Let’s check what kind of food they are and try to eat on Setsubun!
恵方巻き|Ehomaki: A Long Lucky Sushi Roll
【えいご】English Translation
Ehomaki is a sushi roll to eat on the day of Setsubun.
And when we eat it, we face in the “Eho” which is the good direction of the year.
The Eho of 2024 is “East-Northeast!”
Besides the direction, there are some rules when eating it.
- 恵方巻きを食べるとき、包丁で切ってはいけません。
恵方巻きを切ることは、縁を切るということです。切らずに丸ごと食べます。 - 食べるときは、その年の「恵方」を向いて食べましょう。
- 食べているとき、話してはいけません。食べている時に話すと、縁や福が逃げます。
願い事をしながら食べますが、食べている間は 一言も話さないようにしましょう。
【えいご】English Translation
《The Rules for eating Ehomaki》
- Never cut Ehomaki before/when eating it.
Cutting Ehomaki would mean cutting your fate and fortunes. So you should eat it whole. - Face in the “Eho” which is the direction of the deity fortune when eating it.
- You cannot talk when eating. Your fate and fortunes may go away if you talked.
We eat it while making a wish, but try to eat in silence.
You will have a good fortune if you keep these 3 rules.
And you can check the “Eho” with apps if you do not know the direction.
【えいご】English Translation
I have never had it before but, people from Kanto region (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, etc) eat a soup called “Kenchin-jiru” on Setsubun.
“Kenchin-jiru” is a soup that contains Daikon (japanese raddish), Tofu, Shiitake mashroom, etc.
You get warm and it is cold during Setsubun season, so Kenchin-jiru becomes famous for Setsubun‘s food.
何問 正解できますか?
【えいご】English Translation
This is a quiz about Setsubun.
Please answer these questions after reading this article!
How many of them would you get correct?
Need to read it again?
❓節分は、どの季節の前ですか?|Before which season is Setsubun?
Before we have “Risshun: the day spring starts,” there is an event “Setsubun.”
And Setsubun has a meaning of “dividing seasons.”
❓ 鬼を追い払うためのイベントの名前はなんですか?|What is the name of the event for driving demons away?
「豆まき」です。ほとんどの地域では、「鬼は外、福は内」と言って 豆まきをします。
It is “Mamemaki: Bean-Throwing.” We do Mamemaki doing a shout “Demons out, fortunes in.”
❓ 節分の食べ物は、どんなものがありますか?|What food do we have for Setsubun?
We have a sushi roll called “Ehomaki” and soup with a lot of vegetables called “Kenchin-jiru.”
❓ 今年の恵方(いい方角)はどこですか?|Which direction is Eho (a good direction) of this year?
The Eho of 2024 is “East-Northeast.”
節分の動画|YouTube Videos for Setsubun
【えいご】English Translation
Let’s watch a YouTube video and check what Setsubun is actually like!
みなさんは どんな節分を過ごしますか?
【えいご】English Translation
Did all of you know about Setsubun?
How will you spend your day on Setsubun?
Please try Ehomaki and Mamemaki!