おすすめの Google 拡張機能です!新しい言葉を勉強しましょう!
Here are the recommended Chrome extensions! Let’s learn new words here!
みなさんの国のお正月についても コメントで教えてください。
【えいご】English Translation
A New year 2024 has come!
Let’s learn about the New Year Holidays in Japan.
Please tell me about the New Year in your country too!
新しい ことば|New Vocabulary Words
ことば|Words | 読みかた|How to read | 意味|Meaning |
旧暦 | きゅうれき | lunar calendar |
新暦 | しんれき | gregorian calendar, new calendar |
飾り | かざり | decoration |
仲がいい | なかがいい | getting along with |
中旬 | ちゅうじゅん | the middle of the month |
下旬 | げじゅん | the end of the month |
年内 | ねんない | by the end of the year |
サービス業 | さーびすぎょう | the service industry |
年神様 / 歳神様 | としがみさま | Shinto deity who brings happiness at the New Year Holidays |
もたらす | – | to bring (benefit) |
松 | まつ | pine |
竹 | たけ | bamboo |
梅 | うめ | plum |
栄える | さかえる | to flourish |
お供物 | おそなえもの | sacrificial offering |
宿る | やどる | to dwell, to inhabit |
厄払い / 厄祓い | やくばらい | a good riddance |
魂 | たましい | soul |
氏神様 | うじがみさま | guardian god |
参拝 | さんぱい | to worship |
運勢 | うんせい | fortune |
占う | うらなう | to check one’s fortune |
引く | ひく | to pull, to draw |
叶う | かなう | (a wish) comes true |
奉納 | ほうのう | dedication |
親戚 | しんせき | relatives |
ポチ袋 | ぽちぶくろ | envelope for Otoshidama (money gift) |
玄関先 | げんかんさき | outside the front door |
比べる | くらべる | to compare |
日本のお正月はいつ?|When is New Year in Japan?
【えいご】English Translation
New Year Holidays in Japan is from January 1st to 3rd.
There are some regions (like Okinawa) celebrating New Year with the lunar calendar, but most regions celebrate it with the new calendar.
We have some specific terms for the New Year; “Sanga-nichi” is for January 1st to 3rd, and “Matsuno-uchi” is for January 1st to 7th.
Matsuno-uchi for most regions is until the 7th but the Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto, etc.) region’s Matsuno-uchi is until the 15th.
よく使うお正月の言葉|New Year Vocabulary
大晦日|New Year’s Eve
【えいご】English Translation
New Year’s Eve is called “Oomisoka.”
Most people relax at home on Omisoka.
(お)正月|New Year’s Holidays
【えいご】English Translation
We used to call the whole of January “Shogatsu (New Year)” but now we call those only 3 days in the beginning “Sanga-nichi” Shogatsu.
新年|New Year
【えいご】English Translation
As you can see the Kanji and its meaning, it is “New Year.”
We often use it for greetings.
年末|End of the Year
【えいご】English Translation
We say the end of December “Nen-matsu.“
and often say “Mou Nenmatsu dane~. (It is already the end of the year.)” when the year is almost over.
年始|Beginning of the Year
【えいご】English Translation
We say the beginning of January “Nen-shi.”
This word is mostly used with the word “Nen-matsu”, and we ask questions like “Nenmatsu Nenshi wa, Doko ni Ikimasuka? (Where will you go on this New Year Holidays?)” and “Nenmatsu Nenshi Yasumi wa, Itsukara desuka? (When does your New Year Holidays start from?)”
新年のあいさつ|New Year’s Greetings
(新年) あけまして おめでとうございます。 / (Shin-nen) Akemashite Omedeto gozaimasu.
Happy New Year.
Lit. Congratulation for dawning (the new year.)
今年もよろしくお願いします。 / Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku Onegai shimasu.
Hope to get along with you this year too.
Lit. Please take care of me this year too.
【えいご】English Translation
These 2 phrases are often used as a set.
If you want to say something casual, we say “Akemashite Omedeto. Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku (ne)!”
And a more casual way is “Akeome! Kotoyoro!”
But this is a very casual phrase, so please use it to your close friends.
ていねい Polite | (新年) あけましておめでとうございます。 今年もよろしくお願いします。 | (Shin-nen) Akemashite Omedeto gozaimasu. Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku Onegai shimasu. |
カジュアル Casual (Friends and Families) | あけましておめでとう。 今年もよろしく(ね)。 | Akemashite Omedeto. Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku (ne). |
超カジュアル Super Casual (Close friends) | あけおめ!ことよろ! | Akeome! Kotoyoro! |
年末のあいさつ|Last Greetings Before New Year
【えいご】English Translation
We have greetings to say in December.
If you see someone at the middle or the end of December and it is the last time to see them by the end of the year, you will use these phrases below.
今年も(大変) お世話になりました。 / Kotoshi mo (Taihen) Osewa ni narimashita.
Thank you for your support this year too.
Lit. I’ve been taken care of by you this year too.
よいお年をお迎えください。 / Yoi Otoshi wo Omukae kudasai.
Have a great new year.
Lit. Please welcome a great new year.
【えいご】English Translation
“Kotoshi mo Taihen Osewa ni Narimashita.” is especially used for your boss, coworkers, or clients.
“Yoi Otoshi wo Omukae kudasai.” is a bit longer so we tend to say for short “Yoi Otoshi wo.”
I normally say “Yoi Otoshi wo! Mata Rainen~👋” if I greet my friends at the end of the year.
お正月休みは?|When is New Year Holidays?
【えいご】English Translation
New Year Holidays for students and office workers usually start at the end of December after Christmas until around the 3rd (or 5th) of January.
But those who work in the service industry don’t get days off during the New Year Holidays since many customers are coming.
When is your New Year holiday?
お正月飾り|New Year Decoration
【えいご】English Translation
We decorate many New Year’s decorations like we put a Christmas Tree and a Wreath on Christmas day.
Usually, we put them during Matsunouchi which is from January 1st to 7th for Toshigami-sama who brings the Happiness of the new year.
Let’s check what kind of decorations we have for New Year Holidays!
門松🎍|Kadomatsu the Gate Pine
【えいご】English Translation
Kadomatsu is a New Year decoration to put outside the entrance to welcome Toshigami-sama.
It is made of pine trees, 3 bamboo, and plum all together.
Pine trees stay beautiful with their green even in winter and bamboo also has good meanings of “Choju (Living for long)” and “Hanei (Prosperity)” because they grow quickly.
しめ飾り|Shime-Kazari the New Year Wreath
このしめ飾りも、神社と同じように 建物に悪いものが入らないようにする意味があります。
【えいご】English Translation
Shime-Kazari is a New Year decoration that is made of straw.
Shrines also have the same decoration called “Shime-Nawa.”
Shime-Kazari protects a building from evil spirits just like Shime-Nawa at a Shrine does.
鏡餅|Kagami-mochi the Mirror Rice Cake
そして お正月が終わったあと、みんなで神様の力が入っている鏡餅を食べることを、「鏡開き」と言います。
【えいご】English Translation
Kagami-mochi is a sacrificial offering to Toshigami-sama and is also a place where the Power of God dwells.
After the New Year Holidays are passed, we cook Mochi which has the power of God, and eat it. And this is called “Kagami-Biraki.”
大晦日に そばを食べる?|Eat Soba on New Year’s Eve?
【えいご】English Translation
We have some food for New Year, but we also eat “Toshikoshi(Year-crossing)-Soba” on New Year’s Eve.
Toshikoshi-Soba is also known as “Yakubarai(Spiritual Protection)-Soba.”
It means leaving everything that is bad and troubles behind at the end of the year and not carrying them over to the new year.
This is why we eat it before the new year comes on December 31st.
But there is no rule about when exactly to eat it. Some people eat it as lunch and some people eat it as dinner.
Toshikoshi-Soba also has meanings of “Choju Kigan(Wishing Longevity)”, “Kenko Kigan(Wishing Good Health)” and others.
Look it up for more details if you are interested!
お正月の食べ物|New Year’s Food
【えいご】English Translation
There are some New Year’s Food too.
Let’s see what we eat and what they mean in each dish.
お節|Osechi the Big Bento Box
【えいご】English Translation
Osechi Dish is a sacrificial offering to Toshigami-sama and various dishes are in Juu-Bako (like a big bento box.)
It has some meanings such as “Gokoku-Houjo (Huge Harvest of the 5 Grains)”, “Shison-Hanei (Fertility and Family Prosperity)” and “Family Safety and Health.”
Inside the Juu-Bako, there are 20-30 dishes and they have a meaning for each.
However, there are too many of them so I will talk about them in a different article.
お雑煮| New Year’s Mochi(Rice Cake) Soup
【えいご】English Translation
Ozouni is a soup with Mochi (rice cake) of Kagami-mochi.
Mochi which has the soul of Toshigami-sama will be shimmered with vegetables, chicken, fish, etc.
You will be blessed by eating Ozouni.
What do you eat on New Year Holidays in your country?
Please let me know in the comments!
干支|Eto the Animal Zodiac
2024年などの「西暦」、令和6年などの元号を使った「和暦」、そして 辰年のように動物で年を表す「干支」があります。
【えいご】English Translation
We have several ways to say YEAR in Japanese.
“Seireki” is for the Gregorian Calendar like 2024, “Wareki” is for a Japanese Era Name like Reiwa 6, and we have “Eto” with animal zodiacs like Tatsu-doshi (the year of Dragon.)
The Eto is also called “Juuni-shi (12 animal zodiacs)” which shows each year with 12 animals in order.
There is a famous story about Juuni-shi.
Please check out this video! You can put English subtitles on.
【えいご】English Translation
By the way, the Eto (animal zodiac) of 2024 is “Tatsu-doshi (the year of Dragon).” 🐉
お正月の文化|New Year’s Culture in Japan
【えいご】English Translation
There are many cultures that you can only see in Japan.
Do you know them all? Let’s check them out together!
初詣|New Year’s Shrine Visit
初詣は、神社で参拝をする以外に 他にもできることが色々あります。
【えいご】English Translation
Going to a shrine to greet a God called Ujigami-sama is called “Hatsu-Moude.”
Therefore, many people go to a shrine during Sanga-nichi which is 1st-3rd of January.
And there are many other things you can do besides praying at a shrine.
おみくじ|Omikuji the Fortune Strips
100円から200円で、おみくじを1回引くことができて、おみくじの紙には その年の運勢が書いてあります。
運勢の順番は、神社によって変わりますが 基本的にはこんな順番です。
大吉 > 吉 > 中吉 > 小吉 > 末吉 > 凶 > 大凶
今は、オンラインおみくじもありますから、神社に行けない人は オンラインおみくじを引いてみてください。
【えいご】English Translation
If you go to a shrine visit on the New Year Holidays, we usually draw Omikuji to see our fortune of the year.
You can draw it for 100-200 yen and your fortune will be written on a paper strip.
The order of fortunes changes depending on shrines/temples, but the general order is like this;
Dai-Kichi (Great Blessing) > Kichi (Blessing) > Chu-Kichi (Middle Blessing) > Sho-Kichi (Small Blessing) > Sue-Kichi (Future Blessing) > Kyo (Bad Fortune) > Dai-Kyo (Great Bad Fortune)
Nowadays, you can draw Omikuji online, so try online if you cannot go to a shrine.
お守り|Omamori the Lucky Charm
【えいご】English Translation
There are small pouches, paper strips, or cards that have prayers written on and they are called “Omamori.”
Omamori has variations such as “Study Improvement Omamori“, “Health Omamori“, etc.
<I always buy “Traffic/Driving Omamori” every year!>
絵馬|Ema the Wooden Plaque with a Wish
【えいご】English Translation
Ema is wooden plaques to write a wish on.
We usually write our wish on it to deliver it to God, but you can also write your wish that has already come true to tell God about it.
And you will dedicate it to a shrine.
年賀状|New Year’s Greeting Card
12月になると、正月に送る ハガキ「年賀状」の準備をします。
【えいご】English Translation
When December comes, we prepare for New Year’s greeting cards called “Nenga-jo.”
We send them to our family members, friends, coworkers, and bosses to be delivered on January 1st.
お年玉|New Year Money Gift
多くの親戚に会うので、親戚の大人たちは子供たちに お金をあげます。
【えいご】English Translation
We often spend New Year Holidays with families and get to see many relatives, so adults give money to children. And this is “Otoshidama.”
They put the money around 1000 yen to 5000 yen into the bag called “Pochi-Bukuro.”
A lot of children are excited to get this Otoshidama because they could get a lot of money.
福袋|Mystery Lucky Bag
【えいご】English Translation
If you go to a department store or any other store, you will see the word “Hatsu-Uri.”
And it means “Selling for the first time of the year.”
During this season, bags called “Fuku-Bukuro” are sold that you would not know what is inside.
However, some bags reveal things inside these days. And Fuku-bukuro is on sale at affordable prices.
新年会|New Year’s Party
会社の仲間や友達と、居酒屋や家で お酒を飲んだり、ご飯を食べたりして楽しみます。
【えいご】English Translation
We have “Bonen-kai” (the end-of-the-year party) in December but also have “Shinnen-kai” when the new year comes.
With your coworkers and friends, you enjoy drinking and having good meals at Izakaya or someone’s house.
何問 正解できますか?
【えいご】English Translation
Here’s a quiz for the New Year Holidays in Japan.
Please answer these questions after reading this article!
How many of them will you get right?
Would you like to read the article again?
❓ 日本の正月は いつからいつまでですか?|When is New Year Holidays in Japan?
New Year Holidays in Japan: January 1st to 3rd for “Sanga-nichi” and 1st to 7th for “Matsunouchi.”
❓ “Happy New Year!” は日本語で何と言いますか?|How do you say “Happy New Year!” in Japanese?
「(新年) あけましておめでとうございます。」と言います。その後に、「今年もよろしくお願いします。」とセットで言います。
We say “(Shinen) Akemashite Omedetoo gozaimasu.” After that, we continue “Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu” as a set phrase.
❓ “Happy New Year!” の超カジュアルな言い方は何ですか?|What is the super casual way to say “Happy New Year!” ?
It is “Akeome! Kotoyoro!” But it is very casual so use it only with your close friends.
❓ 正月になると玄関に飾る クリスマスリースのような正月飾りは何ですか?|What is a New Year decoration to put on the entrance like a Christmas wreath called?
“Shime-Kazari” is a New Year wreath to put on the entrance and we also decorate “Kadomatsu” outside the front door.
❓ 2024年の干支は何ですか?|What is Eto (the animal zodiac) of 2024?
The Eto of 2024 is “the Year of Dragon!”
日本のお正月の動画|YouTube Video for New Year in Japan
【えいご】English Translation
Let’s check some videos to see what a New Year in Japan is like!
There are some videos of people who experienced the New Year Holidays in Japan.
Have you experienced a New Year here in Japan?
【えいご】English Translation
New Year Holidays in Japan is the big event that we spend time with families together.
What do you eat and where do you go for New Year in your country?
Please let me know in the comment what differences you have compared to New Year in Japan!