おすすめの Google 拡張機能です!新しい言葉を勉強しましょう!
Here are the recommended Chrome extensions! Let’s learn new words here!
【えいご】English Translation
Hello, everybody!
It’s nice to meet you here. I am Emi working as an online Japanese teacher.
I’m starting to write a blog today about Japanese culture, tips for Japanese, my travel journey, etc.
Hope you enjoy my blog!
Today, I write about myself.
えみ先生?どんな人?|Emi sensei? Who is she?
私は、日本で生まれて 日本で育ちました。 ネイティブの日本人です。
今では、たくさんの生徒たちに日本語を教えています。毎日 楽しいです!
【えいご】English Translation
I was born and raised in Japan, so I am a native Japanese.
(As I’ve already mentioned above,) I work as a Japanese teacher.
But I used to work at a hotel, an advertisement company, and others before.
So I had been a normal employee but one day I thought “I still want to teach Japanese! *I’ve minored in Japanese education at uni.*” Then I decided to be a Japanese teacher.
Now I teach Japanese to many people who want to learn. And every day is fun for me!
小噺って なに?|What does Kobanashi mean?
「小噺」は ブログのタイトルです。
「小噺」は、元々 落語の言葉です。落語の本編(長いストーリー)の前にする 短い話のことです。
この人は、桂 三輝さんです。カナダのトロント出身の 落語家です。
このブログでも、みなさんにとって 小噺みたいな 楽しい記事を書きたいです。
【えいご】English Translation
“Kobanashi” is the title of this blog.
The word and its kanji are both difficult. Even some Japanese people don’t know what it is.
“Kobanashi” is originally from Rakugo (a Japanese traditional style comedy.) And it is a short story before the main story.
This person is Katsura Sunshine-san who is a Rakugo comedian from Toronto, Canada.
What he talks about in the beginning part is called “Kobanashi.”
So I want to write fun and informative articles for you like Kobanashi.
えみ先生の出身は?|Where is Emi sensei from?
今、私の家族は 沖縄に住んでいます。
でも、私は 結婚して 神奈川県に住んでいます。東京の近くの県です。
みなさんも、日本に来たら 沖縄や神奈川に行ってみてください。
【えいご】English Translation
I am from Okinawa Prefecture which is located in the southernmost part of Japan.
It is a small island and the ocean there is very beautiful. I will write about Okinawa another time!
Now, my family lives in Okinawa.
But I live in Kanagawa Prefecture after marriage. It is near Tokyo.
Kanagawa is also a nice place.
Please go to Okinawa and Kanagawa when you come to Japan!
いっしょに日本語を勉強しましょう!|Let’s study Japanese together!
n nihongo では、レッスンの予約、レッスンの復習(私の生徒のみ)、自主学習(ブログ)ができます。
私も、みなさんが楽しく学べるように 頑張ります!
【えいご】English Translation
On en-nihongo.com (this website), you can book lessons, review what you’ve learned, and self-study. (by reading the blog)
Let’s have fun and study Japanese together!
I also try to put in all the effort for everyone to have fun learning Japanese!